The Advanced Institute of Engineering and Technology (AVITECH)

The Advanced Institute of Engineering and Technology (AVITECH) was established under the Decision No. 1018/QD-TCCB, dated 18/10/2017 of the Rector of the University of Engineering and Technology. The Institute is a non-business of the University, with independent accounting, legal status, its own seal and account established under the decision of the Rector. The Institute is a public science and technology organization that self-finances recurrent expenditures, operating in accordance with the Regulations on organization and operation promulgated by the Rector.

  • Mission
  • Research and develop technologies through topics, projects and programs Information Technology, Electronics, Telecommunications, Mechatronics, Automation… and related fields.
  • Create high-quality, interdisciplinary scientific and technological products; creating an environment to attract and develop a team of highly qualified scientists.
  • Build a system of advanced, modern, interdisciplinary laboratories for research and training; participate in undergraduate and postgraduate education of the university via research projects, topics, grants…
  • Organize intensive training for researchers who are directly involved in research in topics, projects and research programs of the Institute, through workshops, seminars, research exchange programs.
  • Providing services including consulting, training, transfering knowledge and technology, developing technology products according to the main research directions of the Institute.
  • Organization structure
  • Director board
No. Full name Occupation Email
1 Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Linh Trung Director
  • International advisory board
  • Scientific board
  • Office
  • Laboratories
  • Research groups
  • Address: Room 707 – Building E3. Tel: (024) 37800150

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